2020 IN REVIEW.....
It's fair to say that this has been a year that no-one will forget. The Covid-19 pandemic has altered the world as we know it. Lifes simple pleasures, such as going out for a pint, are no longer simple: when pubs and bars have been allowed to open, new rules such as ordering from your table, limits on group sizes. The music industry has taken a battering, with social distancing rules rendering live events impossible. Concerts and gigs are the lifeblood of the music industry, and many artists bread and butter: with revenue from recorded music, be it from physical or digital sales, a fraction of what it once was, the pandemic has put many a musicians and venues future in jeopardy. There have been some attempts to get around this: audience-free gigs streamed online have been popular, if without the familiar atmosphere of actually being there. Most of the vinyl i buy is "vintage"; that is to say, it's old music. I tend to buy new releases on CD, as the cost of new vinyl ...