As my journey into the world of all things Mod continues, so my discovery of and passion for music grows. The Modculture website, the Heavy Soul label and fanzine, Start! and Dedicated Follower fanzines, Totally Wired radio, not to mention various groups and pages on social media: these all contribute to my moducation. The amount of music, books, films etc - there aren't enough hours in the day to absorb it all! My tastes in music have always been fairly eclectic, but you can now add Jazz, Acid Jazz, swathes of Rhythm & Blues, sixties girl pop, French music, Soul, Freakbeat and Blues to the equation, plus all the bands associated with the revival since the late seventies, and more recent acts. Barely a week goes by without the postie bringing me more vinyl and cds. So much music, so little time! Of course, the one name who comes up frequently is the Modfather himself, Paul Weller. A prominent figure in Mod since his days in The Jam, he has undoubtedly stayed true to the princi...