
Showing posts from June, 2020


Several years ago when i began my discovery of Mod culture, i mistakenly believed that i needed to listen to "mod" bands. But what constitutes such a thing? Obviously certain acts either identified as Mods or were tagged with the label, but what did it mean musically? In the early days of the movement, they listened to Modern Jazz, then Rhythm & Blues became part of it, joined later by early Soul and Ska. But these were records played at the clubs, coffee bars, and house parties that Mods frequented, and danced to all night long. Soon, homegrown bands started forming, influenced by the imported sounds from the USA, and playing their own version of them. Surprisingly, British Mod bands were a bit thin on the ground in the sixties, or at least ones who defined themselves as Mods. Obviously there was The Who, The Small Faces, The Action, and The Creation, and several less well known and short lived acts who imploded after a couple of singles or even after a few months of gig...