Time often does funny things to your memory, and ones memories of youth are usually viewed through rose-tinted glasses: the summers were long and hot, sex was plentiful, and the party never stopped. Bollocks - this is the UK where hot days are often outweighed by rainy ones, getting laid is easy if you have the looks and confidence, and if you want to party then you have to work (usually in a dead end job) in order to afford it. Not such a rosy picture after all! Don't get me wrong: i'm not trying to be a killjoy. My own youth had its highlights but also some lows, and typically it's music that brings back memories of both. I was a shy, nervous and naive teenager, and at the age of 18 i somehow found myself living and working miles away from the - to my youthful mind - shithole town i had grown up in, and i couldn't have been happier. I had been working on a YTS scheme in a £1 shop for about a year, when my "skills" in organising the store room were requested