Like a lot of people my age (born in '76), i've grown up through a lot of technological changes, especially in the medium that music is heard through. As a kid vinyl was the dominant format, with the pre-recorded cassette tape in second place but gaining popularity as advances in sound playback improved (they never found a way to stop your tape deck chewing them up though), and both remained unchallenged until the new kid on the block arrived in the mid-80's: the Compact Disc. Touted as far superior in sound quality, and able to fit over 70 minutes of music onto one disc, this herald of the digital age was "the future" of music. It was also claimed to be virtually indestructible - no scratches, needle jumping, or any of the wear and tear associated with your vinyl records, prompting a host of tv shows (most famously Tomorrows World) to smear jam on them, proving said claims to be outright lies, although i'm sure the creators of the CD didn't forsee such te...